Tag: wahabi


Sectarianism and Ideology: Cases of Iran and Saudi Arabia

by Najat AlSaied Sectarian identity became incompatible with Saudi Arabia’s...

The ignored role of Wahabis in freedom struggle of Indian Independence

by Shoeb Ahmed Siddiqui The first and last chapter of...

Secret alliance between Iran and Muslim Brotherhood to fight “the common enemy” Saudi Arabia

The Muslim Brothers proposed to the Pasdarans of Iran...

MYTH: Salafi Jihadism and Saudi-sponsored Global Terror

by Abu Khuzaimah Ansari, Abu Hibban, and Abu Rumaisah Modern writers...

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The ignored role of Wahabis in freedom struggle of Indian Independence

by Shoeb Ahmed Siddiqui The first and last chapter of...

Secret alliance between Iran and Muslim Brotherhood to fight “the common enemy” Saudi Arabia

The Muslim Brothers proposed to the Pasdarans of Iran...

MYTH: Salafi Jihadism and Saudi-sponsored Global Terror

by Abu Khuzaimah Ansari, Abu Hibban, and Abu Rumaisah Modern writers...