Tag: muslim brotherhood


‘Saudi Arabia Safer Than West to Express Views, No Fear of Extremists’, says Indian Counter-Extremism Analyst

Zahack expressed gratitude for the atmosphere in Saudi Arabia,...

OPINION: The Tale of Two Ideologies—Iran and Muslim Brotherhood

  The Muslim Brotherhood’s rule—unlike that of Khomeini—was short-lived.  In early...

Rise of Islamism in Europe: Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaat-e-Islami

Islam, as one of the world's major religions, has...

Turkish Drones Backing Muslim Brotherhood Militias in Northern Syria

Washington — Renowned foreign policy analyst, Walid Phares, has...

Turkish Citizenship Denied: Imam Ghoneim’s anger unleashes clashes within Muslim Brotherhood

Imam Ghoneim lamented being treated as a disposable entity despite his past services to the Muslim Brotherhood, including incitement and mobilization of Muslims against...

OPINION: A Decade after Egypt’s June 30th Revolution, the Ripple Effects still felt across the Middle East

by Hany Ghoraba The rippling effects of the revolution which led to the ousting of the Muslim Brotherhood from the political spectrum cannot be ignored...

ANALYSIS: Why the Muslim Brotherhood failed to rule Egypt?

by Dalia Ziada The ill performance and unwise decisions of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood are the main reasons why the Muslim Brotherhood has...

Jordan hands over Muslim Brotherhood’s terrorist to UAE

Dubai — Jordan's security forces handed over Khalaf Abdulrahman Al-Rumaithi, a wanted man with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. The arrest is part of...

ANALYSIS: The West Continues to Mishandle the Muslim Brotherhood

The recent Prevent review in Britain revealed that counter-extremism authorities continue to engage and even to fund extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood, the...

OPINION: The Tale of Two Ideologies—Iran and Muslim Brotherhood

  The Muslim Brotherhood’s rule—unlike that of Khomeini—was short-lived.  In early...

ANALYSIS: How Social Isolationism VS Political Globalism will rip the Muslim Brotherhood apart 

Because of that globalism, Islamists fail to provide an...

Iran ‘desperately needs’ better ties with Egypt but stops short of seeking it

Egypt has always welcomed any positive interactions with Iran...

Turkey’s 2023 elections: Will Erdoğan’s Sublime Porte remain sublime?

Erdogan was economically successful, at least from the beginning...