Tag: sayyid qutb


Protected: ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood, same fight!

by Hamid Zanaz Let’s say it outright, the only difference...

Muslim Brotherhood or Ikhwanism and the Jihadist Extremism—The Nefarious Links

The most virulent figures of world Jihadism take their...

Kettle calls pot black: Qardawi calls his spiritual mentor Qutb as “Extremist” and “Layman”

by Abdul Wasay Yusuf Al Qardawi is the unofficial spiritual...

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Muslim Brotherhood or Ikhwanism and the Jihadist Extremism—The Nefarious Links

The most virulent figures of world Jihadism take their...

Kettle calls pot black: Qardawi calls his spiritual mentor Qutb as “Extremist” and “Layman”

by Abdul Wasay Yusuf Al Qardawi is the unofficial spiritual...