Preachers of Hate

BLOG: ‘Erdogan is a Freemason’ claim didn’t surprise me, why?

by Abu Talha Why the Ottoman-family built such a great lodge and what's their connection with Freemasons... I wasn't surprised when I heard that...

Iran’s leader ordered crackdown on unrest — “Do whatever it takes to end it”: Special Report

He was also angered by the burning of his image and the destruction of a statue of the republic’s late founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Tehran...

14 Bulgarians sentenced for supporting Islamic State

Sofia (Reuters) - A Bulgarian court on Tuesday sentenced radical imam Ahmed Mussa and 13 other Bulgarians for propagating religious hatred and incitement to...

Syed Qutb—who injected Leninism in the name of Islamic Revolution

The two key concepts these thinkers borrowed from Leninism were the "state" and "revolution". Radical and revolutionary Islam, which emerged as reactions to colonialism, were inspired...

Khomeini’s 50-Years Plan to convert Middle-east into the Lost Persian Empire

If we can shake the government by inciting conflict between rulers and scholars and disperse capital in these countries and attract capital from their...
