Tag: Modi


Is Biden using Trudeau as a Pawn Against Modi? — Analysis By Former Indian Diplomat

Ex-Diplomat Bhadrakumar raises the question of the United States'...

Diplomatic Milestone: Key Takeaways from the Saudi Crown Prince’s G20 Participation and India Visit

The Crown Prince was received with the utmost respect...

Saudi Crown Prince Affirms: ‘Indian Community in Saudi Arabia is Part of Us’

Modi also expressed gratitude to Crown Prince Mohammed for...

India expresses concerns over American involvement in the upcoming Bangladesh Elections

With Bangladesh sharing the longest land border with India,...

Modi says India will soon unveil $1.35 trln infrastructure plan

New Delhi (Reuters) - India will launch a 100 trillion rupee ($1.35 trillion) national infrastructure plan that will help generate jobs and expand use...

India’s opposition sees hope for the future in Modi’s state election defeat

New Delhi (Reuters) - Indian opposition parties and political commentators cheered the election victory of a regional leader over Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ruling...

India’s capital Delhi faces hospital beds shortage as coronavirus cases surge

New Delhi (Reuters) - India’s capital New Delhi recorded 24,000 coronavirus cases in a 24-hour period and is facing an acute shortage of hospital...

Pakistan, India peace move silences artillery fire over deadly Kashmir frontier

The Associated Press The machine guns peeking over parapets of small, sandbagged concrete bunkers and the heavy artillery cannons dug deep into Himalayan Kashmir’s rugged...

Harley Davidson exiting India, plans to discontinue sales and manufacturing operations

New Delhi - American motorcycles manufacturer Harley-Davidson Inc. is exiting from India, and it will discontinue sales and manufacturing operations as part of its...

Diplomatic Milestone: Key Takeaways from the Saudi Crown Prince’s G20 Participation and India Visit

The Crown Prince was received with the utmost respect...

Saudi Crown Prince Affirms: ‘Indian Community in Saudi Arabia is Part of Us’

Modi also expressed gratitude to Crown Prince Mohammed for...

India expresses concerns over American involvement in the upcoming Bangladesh Elections

With Bangladesh sharing the longest land border with India,...