
Make No Excuses—a Key to Success

by Sajid Holy Cycles of excuses are great obstacles in the path of leadership. You have to acknowledge that a problem is a problem, and you...

Indian Muslims vs. Muslim Countries: Doubting the faith of Indian Muslims

by Dr. Umme Abdullah Khan al-Hindi It's better that those Muslims who live in Muslim majority countries try and be sensitive to the condition...

MOMO SUICIDE CHALLENGE FOR KIDS — What parents need to know

The ‘MoMo Challenge’ is a creepy, bugged-eyed woman offers children instructions on how to take their own lives. The horrifying video has been infiltrating popular children sites like YouTube Kids.

Top 25 World’s Most Powerful Countries on the Planet — a survey by University of Pennsylvania

by Sinéad Baker The US has retained its spot as the most powerful country in the world in 2019 according to an annual ranking, followed...

FAITH: Empower Yourself

By Sajid Holy Life is a journey of being someone special and to do something special and extraordinary for yourself, for your family, for your...
