FAITH: Empower Yourself
By Sajid Holy
Life is a journey of being someone special and to do something special and extraordinary for yourself, for your family, for your relatives, for your friends and for the entire Ummah. You have to dedicate your life by contributing to the upliftment of your religion Deen al Islaam.
Ask yourself – Who you are? Why you were born? What are your ambitions? What are your goals? What is the purpose of your life? To find these answers and to achieve your goals, you need to bring “the you” out of yourself. Accept your potential, utilize your energy and get rid of your shortcomings if you really want to improve and elevate yourself.
Everyone of has intends to reform the society, but how can we do so if we don’t love your own self? To love ourselves, we need to try best to protect ourselves from the wrath of Allah, let’s try best to protect our own self from hell fire.
Create a shield around yourself which can protect yourself from wrongdoings against your fellow human beings and against your own self. That shield is called nafs al mutmainnah and you really need to strive a lot to achieve it.
If you want to enlighten others, if you want to empower others, if you want to show correct path to others, if you want to motivate others, you must first peep inside your own self and think about the greatest element which will enlighten you. It is none other than The Noble Qur’an – The Word of Allaah.
If you want to save the lives of human beings across the globe, if you want to be a savior, if you want to unite the Ummah and bring everyone on one platform of love, mercy, justice and peace, you should first learn these lessons of peace yourself and must implement them in every aspect of your own life.
There are lots of things we expect from ourselves, but to fulfill those expectations we must first accept our own weakness and should try best to eliminate the sins and imperfections which weaken our soul. Let’s harness our weakness and transform it- energize it into the sources of strength. This is a mission which can’t be achieve by a person who himself feels insecure, this can’t be achieved by a person who is jealous and selfish, this is not a job of an arrogant.
Don’t expect life to award accomplishments to you every now and then. Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve ever done before. If your life didn’t feel pain, struggle and failures, it is simply not possible for you to feel the pain of others. Such a person can’t bring uniqueness and beauty in his soul. Attach yourself with the pain of others which you want to relieve.
Transforming the society and bringing revolutions is not the job of a person who is overconfident and who falls prey to worldly desires.
A time will come that your voice will have no words, you will scream but none of the humans will listen and respond, but you have to keep yourself firm on the path of truth, and you must believe that Allaah is the one who will listen to you and will respond to your supplications. Unless and until this belief is established your voice will have no essence. You must set your mind that you in loneliness but not alone. Allaah is with you, if you are patient. When your body gets exhausted, it is your heart full of imaan who will carry you towards the undiscovered horizons of life.
When you think that your limbs are dying, your body is falling apart, your eyes are full of tears, your mind is full of grief, it is the heart full of imaan which carries you towards the destination, it will drive your faith. It is your heart who will fights against injustice, failure and tyranny. The strength of your heart will lead you towards physical, psychological, spiritual, physical and moral heights. It will spark the rays of confidence in your heart.
If you are not leading, someone will lead you. If you are not working, someone will stand up and will work in competition against you, if you are not developing, someone will develop against you. Even your body is not going to respond you if you stop working.
Continuity, consistency, certainty, resistance, patience and hard work are the substances to be connected with your faith and belief, so that you can recharge yourself, and you can make yourself a man of action, not just a dreamer who has nothing but mere talks and unexecuted plans which are based upon improbable or impractical ideas.
You have to change, you have to improve, if you settle for something which is satisfactory to you at one stage of life, and if the futuristic world does not accept your pace, you will be left behind in this race of cut throat competition. Don’t make others take you for granted. Don’t make others treat you as a trash. If you don’t value yourself, others are not going to value your life, your art, your existence and your performance. Think that you are far more valuable and take your action to the next level of productivity. Whether you are an employee, an entrepreneur, a son, a husband, a brother, a wife, a mother, a daughter or a father, you need to constantly improve yourself.
In this journey of struggle, your body will feel pains you can’t imagine but the sweetness of success at the end of that ladder will be so beautiful and promising that it can’t be expressed in words. In this journey you are not going to find everyone who appreciates you, motivates you, promotes you, encourages you and empowers you.
You will find many people discouraging you, they may humiliate you, may create obstacles for you, they might hate you to an unbelievable extent. You will witness breach of trust and broken promises. They will try to push you in the deep valley of darkness and non-recognition. They might play dirty politics against you, will make fun of your ethics and goodness but you should not get depressed. You have to face the opposition with patience, humbleness and good manners.
Be a down to earth personality. Never let arrogance and anger overpower you. If you stick to these golden principles of leadership you will be able to pay a great respect to those haters who slapped you and you will definitely tell them: “If you wouldn’t have done this to me, I wouldn’t have found my true self and true position in the life!”
Sajid Holy is a blogger and writer, he tweets under @SajidHoly.