OPINION: New Zealand leadership VS. Indian leadership


By Shoeb Siddiqui

New Zealand’s unprecedented approach in dealing with the recent terrorist attack on the Muslim community has given a strong lesson to the Indian leaders who have turned deaf ears to the mob-lynching and atrocities Indian Muslims have been subjected to for the past five years.

Below are some of the lessons Indian leaders should learn from New Zealand:

Instead of garlanding the terrorist they run a court trail.

Instead of falsely accusing and arresting the relatives of deceased they are sympathetic towards them.

The NZ public, instead of lynching Muslims, they stand with them.

Their PM doesn’t do politics, photoshops and blame the neighboring country for the act, in fact she meets and consoles them.

Instead of asking Muslims to go to neighboring country, Kiwis are protecting, guarding and supporting them.

Instead of preventing praying in open they broadcast prayers live on TV, Radio.

Their news anchors don’t bash Muslims at Prime Time rather they have reported with humility and sympathy.

Their print media instead of labelling Muslims extremists on front page, have published “Salaam” – peace while honoring the martyrs (InshaAllah).

Instead of passing a bill in Parliament to stop immigrants, they recite the Quran in the Parliament house.

Their Police department instead of arresting Muslim youth are guarding Mosques and learning about Islam inside the mosques.

Instead of burning down their houses, they are lending support in great number.

What a country New Zealand is!!

Thankyou PM Jacinda Ardern for your empathy and support.

Disclaimer: Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not reflect Milli Chronicle’s point-of-view.

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