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Islamophobia fueled by Erdogan and Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan)

by Dr. Umme Abdullah Khan al-Hindi

The Muslim Brotherhood after them have only expounded on the fascist policies of Nazi Germany and created a huge rift between people.

Turkish President Recep Tayib Erdogan never fails to try gaining political brownie points out of every Muslim tragedy.

Erdogan is a chronic war-monger and his political party (the  Muslim Brotherhood or Ikhwanul-Muslimeen) is the one that is responsible for Islamophobia in the first place.

Let us also not forget for one second that this same political party (the Muslim Brotherhood) was aligned with the Nazi party of Hitler to expand the fascist communist ideologies of the Nazi party in Middle East.

If anyone has any issues with this claim, then please feel free to see the photos on the internet from the many meetings between Palestinian Mufti Haj Amin Al Husseini and the leader of the Third Reich Adolf Hitler.

To put matters into context, Hajj Amin Al Husseini was Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and he was also the leader of the Arab Higher Committee. Though his goals of pan-Arabian unity and his denunciation of the Balfour declaration may seem noble and heroic to some Muslims, his policies and methods are far too sinister.

He is also said to have reached an understanding with the Nazi Party’s second in command, SS chief Heinrich Himmler to ensure that the Jews being expelled from Germany and German occupied territories do not migrate and settle into Palestine. The ReichFuhrer Himmler is said to have reassured the Mufti that they have “found a solution for this issue” and offered assurances that this would not happen.

Let us contrast this with the methods of the great conqueror Salahuddin Al Ayyubi (may Allaah have mercy upon him). He conquered Jerusalem without bloodshed and allowed its inhabitants to live within it in peace. And the second Caliph of Islam, the Amir Al Mumineen Omar ibn Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) before him did the same.

The Christians and Jews have always lived in peace in Muslim lands but the policies of the Arab Higher Committee and then the Muslim Brotherhood after them have only expounded on the fascist policies of Nazi Germany and created a huge rift between people letting Muslims believe that ALL people of other faiths are our enemies set to destroy us and hence they must always be treated with hostility, contempt and often violence. This led the youth to resort to extremism and violence throughout the years which has directly contributed to Islamophobia and the present situation.

So the most peaceful and just religion in this world is now most feared and people are killing Muslims just for being Muslims.

And we come back to this war mongering Turkish leader who is fuelling the fire that his ideology helped spark in the first place. It’s a full circle.