OPINION: The Salafism Mystery and Saudi Arabia
by Turki Al-Owerde
Saudi Arabia—homeland of Islam throughout its history has been participating positive policies to make peace
The Salafism Mystery
In any case, Salafism is neither an exact doctrine nor an ideology but rather means following the method of the first ancestors of Muslims, and it is an approach that has objective standards that govern both Muslims and non-Muslims.
Saudi religious scholars have issued Fatwa in 1980s to absolutely forbid suicide attacks against whoever, but imagine that the Saudis who follow Salafs are continually accused of supporting terrorism intellectually and religiously.
There are parties that claim to be Salafists, and there are parties that claim Islam. Well, not every claim is valid until it is verified. Unfortunately, most people, especially Western researchers and studies centers are making no effort to verify the claims.
Terrorist groups such as Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban, Jihadists, Iranian regime and its proxies such as Hezbollah, Houthis and Shiite militias. All are anti-Islam and use name of Islam and take texts out of contexts for sake of ideological interests, control, and money.
Moderate Islam promised by Saudi Crown Prince
When Saudi Crown Prince talked about restoring Islam, he meant to restore Islam from this broad spectrum of groups that hijack Islam and use its name in most horrific ways in accord with the forces of evil and darkness such as the liberal left.
Well, how did extremist and terrorist figures like Hassan Rouhani, Jawad Zarif, Muhammad al-Houthi, ISIS and bin Laden manage to gain wide promotion in media such in Washington Post, News Week, and Qatar-based Al-Jazeera?
You should ask question of why that wide spectrum of groups: Leftists, Iran, Turkey, Qatar, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Hamas, Al Qaeda, Jihadists, have common factor which is the enmity against Saudi Arabia, especially against Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman.
Media campaigns against Saudi Arabia
Khashogji’s incident was in the same context, a conspiracy that many parties participated in different roles. The crime scene was equipped with spy devices, Turkish intelligence in form of journalists and an alleged fiancée, suddenly appeared in Khashoggi’s life.
Saudi history is devoid of these incidents, with exception of Khashoggi conspiracy. Many Saudi dissidents roam the world and nobody cares for them. Several countries tried to seriously shake Saudi stability and miserably failed, Khashogji was never a threat.
Well, why did this unprecedented media campaign and threats against the Saudis happened while Iranian regime, Turkish regime, Syrian regime and Qatari regime have participated to cause millions of victims, killed, injured and displaced?
There are massive and concerted efforts to eliminate Islam as a religion, and to assassinate the Saudi model that represents the center of the Islamic world.
It started a long time ago. I’ve discussed that from the beginning in this article.
To answer why? We must recognize obsession of some western parties with imposing liberal ideology (secularism) on the world by using military, political, and economical intervention under the slogans of human rights and freedom to eliminate the influence of religion from human life.
Applying some liberal manifestations has been sufficient for the West to allow some parties to practice terrorism, especially against Muslims where Muslims are majority of those victims of terrorism.
Iranian regime has been a terrorist since the beginning 1979, but the West, especially Europe, preferred its perpetuation to use it to achieve political, economic, and ideological interests. Which can be termed as “Intellectual Prostitution”.
Objectively, Saudi Arabia can not be placed with Iran and Turkey on an equal footing with regard to peace, stability, development and fight against terrorism, but the West does not have any objective standards at all regarding foreign policy.
Saudi Arabia’s fight against Terrorism
The Saudi monarchy and Saudi people were the first to be affected by terrorism. An assassination attempt against late Saudi king, a Saudi minister was kidnapped, an assassination attempt against another one and thousands of victims were citizens and residents in Saudi Arabia.
Why have Iran, Turkey and Qatar not been exposed, for 40 years, to a real terrorist threat? Only Saudi Arabia and its ally Egypt, the two moderate powers in the region, have been contentiously the most exposed to real terrorist threats.
Why has Iran that practices terrorism for 40 years been accepted and supported, even now, Europe does efforts in that way.
Why has Turkey, that has evidenced relationship with ISIS, not been subjected to such a campaign that Saudi Arabia has faced?
The current US administration and US President Donald Trump are a great exception and we, in turn, highly appreciate this clarity in fighting Iranian terrorism.
Back to Start—Saudi Arabia and Salafism
Saudi Arabia—which embraces Islam, is the most stable in Middle East, the best in achieving rates of security, development and prosperity despite violent terrorist attacks, despite being surrounded by hotbeds of violence and despite international conspiracy.
Saudi Arabia—homeland of Islam throughout its history has been participating positive policies to make peace, to consolidate security and to support development regionally and globally.
Saudi Arabia represents reference of objective moral in international relations, with former US President Jimmy Carter’s testimony that the Saudis are the only ones who say in private talk what they say in public.
Saudi objectivity helps other peoples to expose the corruption of ideologies, politicians, and media that control their societies.
The Saudi monarchy model also reveals to the world that success, peace and development are possible without democracy or liberal ideology.
Turki al-Owerde is an independent Political Analyst and Commentator from Saudi Arabia. He tweets under @Turki_AlOwerde.
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