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Indian-origin Hadith Scholar Abul-Ashbaal passes away in Makkah

Makkah — An Indian-origin Hadith scholar popular among the Islamic scholars of Makkah and Madina passed away in Makkah Saudi Arabia on Friday around 14:00 hours.

The 77-year-old Moulana Abul-Ashbaal Sagheer Ahmed Shaagif was born in not-so-famous village known as “Tola Suta” of Champaran district of India’s northern state of Bihar.

He worked under Shaykh Abdussamad Shareefuddin Kutbi for his “Darul Qaimah” center for 10 years in Mumbai’s Bhiwandi area as a researcher of Hadith sciences.

In 1971, he migrated to eastern Pakistan, and lived in Karachi till 1976.

He travelled to Saudi Arabia in 1976 for Umrah and got an employment in King Abdulazeez University in Jeddah. However, he came back to Karachi and travelled to Saudi Arabia along with his family in 1977.

After 12 years, upon the request of Shaykh Abdulmajeed Zindani, he joined Muslim World League in a special department.

He was the co-editor of Tuhfat al-Ashraf and the editor of Taqreeb al-Tahzib.

He authored numerous books for the Islamic students of knowledge to benefit from. His students claim that “the Shaykh” has left behind an unforgettable legacy.