
OPINION: Let’s vote against Hate Politics

by Zahed Shaikh

But in Indian scenario we start abusing the opposing party. Which leads to hate speech and sometimes leads to lynching.

Over 200 writers across the country have issued a signed appeal, saying, “Let us vote against hate politics. Let us vote for an equal and diverse India.”

The statement said: “The upcoming election finds our country at the crossroads. Our Constitution guarantees all its citizens equal rights, the freedom to eat, pray and live as they choose, freedom of expression and the right to dissent. But in the last few years, we have seen citizens being lynched or assaulted or discriminated against because of their community, caste, gender, or the region they come from”, The Hindu newspaper reported.

What is politics?

Indian politics is often described as being feisty, vibrant, colourful, controversial, debatable, provocative, all of that and more.

The art of politics lies in being successful in gathering consensus through discussion, debate and persuasion and then pushing that consensus into legislation that results in action and implementation.

What is politics of hate?

Question, dissent and debate are an essential part of politics and democracy. The ‘quality’ of democracy and politics is judged by the level of debate and dissent allowed, within the party and outside of it.

All parties are guilty of quashing dissent in any form. What is a worrying trend is that several parties are resorting to violent means whenever questioned by the people or members of their own parties.

When somebody starts questioning, the politicians start accusing and abusing him in the name of religion, nationalism, cast, creed and what not.

What is meaning of agree to disagree?

“Agree to disagree” or “agreeing to disagree” is a phrase in English referring to the resolution of a conflict (usually a debate or quarrel) whereby all parties tolerate but do not accept the opposing position(s).

It generally occurs when all sides recognise that further conflict would be unnecessary, ineffective or otherwise undesirable.

But in Indian scenario we start abusing the opposing party. Which leads to hate speech and sometimes leads to lynching.

How we can live in peace with diversity?

  • Communication is key.
  • Clarity of what people are accountable for and everyone being treated equally. Otherwise resentment will breed and fuel a “them” and “us” environment.
  • Different religions have different beliefs. Be aware and sensitive to this. It is a sign of respect and will be much appreciated.
  • Respect, tolerance and compassion should be at the core.

Zahed Shaikh is an Indian-based blogger. He regularly writes blogs at Duck Bounce Blogspot.

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