Tag: christchurch attack


Jews donate over $9,00,000 to the victims of Christchurch mosque attacks

Christchurch — Jews raised over $9,00,000 and donated it...

Islamophobia fueled by Erdogan and Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan)

Erdogan is a chronic war-monger and his political party (the Muslim Brotherhood or Ikhwanul-Muslimeen) is the one that is responsible for Islamophobia in the first place.

Policewomen and female Newsreaders wear Hijab and greet “Salamalaikum” to stand with NZ Muslim community

Christchurch – New Zealand’s female newsreaders and TV anchors...

Live Friday Azaan to be broadcast on New Zealand TV channels, PM Jacinda declares

Christchurch – Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern...

“Criminalize Hate speech”, King Salman urges International Community in the wake of New Zealand attacks

Riyadh – Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulazeez on Tuesday called the International community to criminalize the racist ideologies and hate speeches that lead...

Erdogan plays banned video of New Zealand Terror-attack to gain Votes

Istanbul — Footage of the New Zealand mosque shootings that was pulled down by Facebook, YouTube and other social media platforms has resurfaced as...

OPINION: Refuting Senator Anning’s anti-Muslim Remarks after New Zealand shootings

by Prof. Wasim Ismail Australian Senator Fraser Anning made disgusting remarks on the New Zealand Shootings, however, I regret to have to mention his name,...

Makkah Imam issues a detailed statement against New Zealand Terrorist attack

The Director, as-Sudays, also stressed that Islaam’s teachings treat the sanctity of people’s lives as a very serious matter and its teachings seek to...

Jamiat Ahle-Hadees Hyderabad denounces NZ-Mosque terror attack, also criticizes ISIS and al-Qaeda

Hyderabad – Jamiat Ahle-Hadees Hyderabad and Secunderabad on Friday has strongly condemned the Friday’s Christchurch Terrorist attack on a Mosque in New Zealand, also...

Islamophobia fueled by Erdogan and Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan)

Erdogan is a chronic war-monger and his political party (the Muslim Brotherhood or Ikhwanul-Muslimeen) is the one that is responsible for Islamophobia in the first place.

Policewomen and female Newsreaders wear Hijab and greet “Salamalaikum” to stand with NZ Muslim community

Christchurch – New Zealand’s female newsreaders and TV anchors...

“Criminalize Hate speech”, King Salman urges International Community in the wake of New Zealand attacks

Riyadh – Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulazeez on...

Live Friday Azaan to be broadcast on New Zealand TV channels, PM Jacinda declares

Christchurch – Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern...