
Hidden Enemy of Muslims is Muslim Brotherhood

by Ali Al-Rubei

No one ever used the religion of Islam as a card to push their political agenda as much as the Muslim Brotherhood.

It is not strange that they do not believe in a modern state because their culture is very much similar to that of bandits.

I CAN find excuses for those who make me an enemy for personal reasons. I understand the position of a country that is viewed as enemy to my country. The same can be said for a devilish party that inherited hatred from the past and is using it for the future as an excuse to settle accounts.

But it is very difficult for me to understand the position of a group that grew within us and benefitted from our wealth and managed to thrive with our support at a time when their closest people betrayed them.

I always believed that the dangers of political Islam were greater than its benefits. No one ever used the religion of Islam as a card to push their political agenda as much as the Muslim Brotherhood. No one ever instigated the public and society as much as they did. No other group played with ideology, putting Islam as a religion in a narrow frame, to control the minds of people and turn them against their countries as the Muslim Brotherhood did. It is not strange that they do not believe in a modern state because their culture is very much similar to that of bandits. The verse in the Holy Qur’an, “They know the favor of Allah and then deny it”, applies to them.

Arab countries throughout their history were obvious victims of their devilish and violent practices. If we look back in history and searched for the truth, we will discover that they had killed many innocent people and branded many philosophers infidels. It is because of their weak understanding and hatred, the Muslim nation that they are crying for now has almost lost everything.

We lived through the Sahwa (Awakening) Movement with all its implications. We have seen the Muslim Brotherhood icons loving worldly life and amassing wealth. This makes us ask the real question: Are they really calling people to return to Islam? Do they really care about following the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? The answer is definitely a big “no”.

For many years, we listened to them and saw them recruiting members, rehabilitating and reinforcing their lines, and we did not ask what was this preparation for. They were recruiting and mobilizing people against their own countries and instigating their members against own families.

In the past three decades, I am asking myself, what did this Sahwa Movement achieve? Are there any local, Arab or Islamic achievements? Was Palestine liberated through their hands?

Article first published on Saudi Gazette