Tag: poverty


Fight against poverty has ground to a halt, World Bank warns

Kyiv (France24) - The Covid-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion...

US promises to deliver aid to Haiti and help local police counter armed gangs

Washington (Reuters) – The United States on Wednesday said...

Iran’s economic bankruptcy and extreme poverty: Achievements of Dictator Mullahs

by Cyrus Yaqubi The severity of poverty in Iran has...

Iran suicides on the rise as millions fall into poverty

Report by Cyrus Yaqubi Reports of daily suicides in Iran...

Iranians pay for bread in installments in southern Iran

by Cyrus Yaqubi Some bakers confiscate the customer’s national ID card until the debt is paid Bakeries in Iran are selling bread in installments to impoverished...

IRAN: Poverty, Exorbitant Prices and Malnutrition—People face Regime’s Wrath

by Cyrus Yaqubi While talking to any simple worker and wage earner, in the very first sentence of his conversation he tells you very simply...

Fear and poverty in Turkey as pandemic hits Erdogan’s base: Reuters Report

Reuters Turkey’s 3.6 million Syrian refugees faced backlash in past downturns, and those left unemployed this year had little safety net. Huseyin Goksoy, a tailor who...

How Umar-II eradicated poverty with exemplary Islamic Economy Model

By Noorah Jukaku It did not matter which society, religion or caste the poor belonged to. Everyone was given equally whether he was Arab or...

Extreme Poverty in Kerman—Iran since 1979 Revolution

by Ali Ranjipour What is the magnitude of poverty in Iran? It’s an important question, but since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, there has been no...

US promises to deliver aid to Haiti and help local police counter armed gangs

Washington (Reuters) – The United States on Wednesday said...

Iran’s economic bankruptcy and extreme poverty: Achievements of Dictator Mullahs

by Cyrus Yaqubi The severity of poverty in Iran has...

Iran suicides on the rise as millions fall into poverty

Report by Cyrus Yaqubi Reports of daily suicides in Iran...

Iranians pay for bread in installments in southern Iran

by Cyrus Yaqubi Some bakers confiscate the customer’s national ID...