Tag: Arab League


Saudi embrace of Assad sends strong signal to US

Riyadh (Reuters) - Once labelled a pariah, Saudi Crown...

Arab League head welcomes Syria back into the bloc

Dubai (Reuters) - Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul...

Arab foreign ministers welcome Syria’s return to the Arab League ahead of Jeddah summit

Beirut (AP) — Arab foreign ministers Wednesday in Saudi...

Back in the Arab League after 12 years, Syria urges group to invest in war-torn country

Beirut (AP) — Syria on Monday called on Arab...

King Salman of Saudi Arabia invites the Sultans of Omaniya and Qatar to the Arab League summit

Riyadh - The emir of Qatar and the sultan of Oman have received invitations from Saudi Arabia's King Salman to the 32nd regular session...

What’s behind Syria’s return to the Arab League?

Associated Press Syria is returning to the Arab fold even though there is no sign of a resolution to the country’s uprising-turned-civil war, now in...

Syrians split over government readmission into Arab League

Damascus (Reuters) - Syrian factions have given mixed reactions to an Arab League decision to lift the suspension on Syria's membership after more than...

Arab League readmits Syria as relations with Assad normalise

Reuters Syria called on Arab states to show "mutual respect". The Arab League readmitted Syria on Sunday after more than a decade of suspension, consolidating a...

Arab League head welcomes Syria back into the bloc

Dubai (Reuters) - Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul...

Arab foreign ministers welcome Syria’s return to the Arab League ahead of Jeddah summit

Beirut (AP) — Arab foreign ministers Wednesday in Saudi...

Back in the Arab League after 12 years, Syria urges group to invest in war-torn country

Beirut (AP) — Syria on Monday called on Arab...