Middle East and North Africa

Iran recruits children under “Scouts of Mahdi” in Syria for military purposes

Tehran — Iran's Mullah regime has opened a branch of the "Scouts of the Mahdi" in the Syria's eastern city of Deir al-Zour to...

Eight killed in bomb explosions in Turkish-captured Syria

Istanbul (Reuters) - Eight people were killed when a bomb exploded on Sunday in an area of northeast Syria controlled by Turkish troops and...

Amnesty calls for urgent end to “bloodbath” in Iraq

Baghdad (AP) - Iraqi security forces put up concrete barriers in central Baghdad Sunday, trying to hamper and block protesters' movements a day after...

Erdogan says Turkey will not leave Syria until other countries pull out

Ankara (Reuters) - Turkey will not leave Syria until other countries pull out, President Tayyip Erdogan was quoted as saying on Friday, and Ankara...

Iraq protesters, politicians dig in for third week

Baghdad (AFP) - Anti-government protesters from across Baghdad flooded Iraq's capital on Friday despite fresh bloodshed, as leaders appeared to have closed rank around...
