
FAITH: The Relatives

by Zoha Fatima Unfortunately, many people do not fulfill this right and transgress the bounds concerning this... Unfortunately this is one widespread evils in the Muslim...

FAITH: No Intermediaries between God and Man

by Lamisah Mahreen Islam came to honor and dignify man... In the religion of Islam, a Muslim worships Allah directly, without any intermediaries whatsoever between him...

FAITH: Three Means to Happiness And Their Opposites—Ibn Qayyim

The basis of the happiness (success, wellbeing. etc) of a person are three... Imaam Ibnul Qayyim said, "The most mindless amongst the people is...

FAITH: Why does Allah inflict suffering and hardship? What’s wisdom in it?

Calamities show you the true nature of this world and its transience A lot of us often ask these questions, why does Allah inflict us...

FAITH: Rights of Women in Islam

submitted by Bint-e-Hamed Islam raised the status of women, and made them equal with men in most rulings. Islam honours women greatly. It honours women as...
