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OPINION: Saudi Arabia’s powerful friendship getting Unavoidable

by Waqar Khan

No country can jeopardize its economy by keeping distance from the Kingdom and its emerging leader Mohammed Bin Salman.

Believe it or not, but the world has now accepted that along with the Arab world, the world’s strongest player is Saudi Arabia.

A few years ago Mohammed bin Salman said, “Middle East will be the new Europe in Upcoming Days”, which the world is seeing happening now.

Be it Russia, America, China, or France, all are trying best to make Saudi Arabia on their side, one of the major reasons is Saudi Arabia holds keys to the giant market for oil and gas, and its Vision2030 is a massive development project. Moreover, no country can jeopardize its economy by keeping distance from the Kingdom and its emerging leader Mohammed Bin Salman.

This fact troubles pro-Iranian Ikhwani or Muslim Brotherhood media as well as the left media of the west. Every second day false propaganda is spread against Saudi Arabia and its leaders. 

Saudi Arabia possesses key to Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Plus (OPEC+), which gives the Kingdom leverage to decide the oil prices. 

Few days ago, the price of crude oil was up to $60 per barrel but now it has increased to $100, after which America and European countries started restless, and requested to get more oil from Saudi Arabia in the market so that prices can be stabilized.

Last week, US Congressman Brad Sherman threatened that Saudi oil should be sent to the market in large quantities so that the world’s dependence on the Russian oil is reduced and Moscow should be taught a lesson and Ukraine should be supported.

But the very next day, Saudi Arabia reiterated its commitment to the deal with OPEC+ with Russia and showed the doors to Sherman’s arrogance.

The shoddy statement of Brad Sherman clearly shows another fury of Washington that somehow Arab countries should be dragged into the war so that the tide is turned towards the Arab world, but King Saud’s grandson has ruined all the hopes.

Saudi Arabia’s stance is clear that Kingdom doesn’t interfere into any country’s internal matters.

The 36-year-old prince has left his footprint on the global platform and this G20 photo below clearly shows his power that MBS is one of the mightiest leaders of this group.

Leaders pose for a family photo at the G20 Summit in Osaka on June 28, 2019. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP)

Waqar Khan is an Independent Writer and Blogger. He tweets under @WaKhan337.

Originally written in Hindi. Translated by MilliChronicle.

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