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FAITH: The Relatives

by Zoha Fatima

Unfortunately, many people do not fulfill this right and transgress the bounds concerning this…

Unfortunately this is one widespread evils in the Muslim community that is, to severe ties. A lot of people don’t talk with proper terms with their brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles.etc. What ever may be the reason but it is a sin and a serious one.

A Muslim is required to maintain a good relationship with his relatives. In Islamic terms, ‘Silah-Rahimi’ is used to denote ‘good treatment towards the relatives’.

In the Quran God tells us:

“Give your relatives their due…” (17:26) 

“Allah commands justice, kindness and giving to near relatives….” (16:90)

“…And show kindness to your parents and to near relatives…” (4:36)

Unfortunately, many people do not fulfill this right and transgress the bounds concerning this. Some of them do not seek to join ties with relatives or show kindness to them; neither through wealth, nor through good behavior, nor through giving occasional gifts and presents, nor through rendering help to them in their times of need.

Indeed, days or months may pass without even seeing or visiting them. And sometimes, rather than seeking to rejoin the ties, some people even intend to sever such ties, by seeking to harm their relatives – either through words, or actions, or both. Such people only even keep close ties with those who are not in relation, yet cut off ties with the relatives!

Some people only keep ties of relations with those who maintain ties with them, but cut off with those who cut off with them. Such people are not truly the Waasils (those who keep ties), rather they are those who do so based on tit-for-tat attitude. So they will only keep ties with those who keep ties with them – whether relative or other than them. However the Waasil is the one who keeps ties, and he is the one who keeps ties of relation for the sake of Allah – regardless of whether his relatives keep ties with him or not.

The sayings of Allah’s Messenger Muhammad peace be upon him, are replete with virtues of joining the ties of relations and helping relatives. We are encouraged to visit our relatives, inquire about their situation, spend on them, give them Sadaqa (voluntary charity) if they are poor, assist them in any reasonable way and the most important is to show love and affection to them.

The Prophet peace be upon him has said, “Whoever violates the rights of relatives, shall not go to Paradise.”

When the violation of the rights of relatives is returned in a similar manner, then evil spreads in society. But if it is returned with kindness, it may lead to their correction and it will assist in the promotion of Silah-Rahimi.

Moreover, the most important aspect of fulfilling the rights of relatives–is the means to Allah’s happiness!

Some practicals tips to promote Silah-Rahimi:

  • Occasionally giving them a call to enquire about their welfare.
  • Inviting them home.
  • Helping them in need and sympathizing with them on sad occasions.
  • Sharing happy moments and occasions with them.
  • Always being a well-wisher.
  • Planing ways to improve and strengthen relations.

Zoha Fatima studied from Indian International School Riyadh, she has a flare for writing and she dreams to be a writer.