The Saudis’ Unwavering National Pride and their Secret of Stability and Security
by Anna Sacher
It’s Saudi Arabia’s strength to maintain its own identity and culture and stands united behind its royal family…
Saudi Arabia is considered one of the most misunderstood countries in the world. The left-wing media and human rights organizations such as HRW and Amnesty International have done a lot to prevent Saudi Arabia from gaining a good reputation in the world.
The fact is that leftists, socialists and some Greens prefer the ideologies of the Muslim brotherhood countries of Qatar and Turkey, and also the militias of the Iranian regime, because they benefit from their terrorism, the resulting wars, arms trafficking, mass immigration, human trafficking, organ trafficking, and drug trafficking, to name a few.
The Muslim Brotherhood and its allied western media have long tried to destabilize Saudi Arabia.
Qatar and Turkey spend millions on lobby firms to damage Saudi Arabia’s reputation. Many of these lobby companies, like e.g. Mercury Int. operate globally. Lobby companies provide consultants for media and politicians who use their services (for example) to inform about the conditions and situations in the Middle East.
A characteristic of the Saudis is that they want to maintain their identity, religion and culture and are well aware that there are international efforts to spoil their culture and their Islamic religion, which is associated with God’s monotheism, and had never been contaminated from Sectarianism.
In order to hide the bad intentions of political Islam, which has already infiltrated in USA and Europe, as it becomes less and less important in the Middle East, for example, Facebook hired the extremist Tawwakol Kemal to censor Facebook content, and to suspend the accounts, which share posts that are not in the Muslim Brotherhood’s interests, and also to disguise the terrorist activities of ISIS, AlQaeda, etc. and to propagate their extremist ideology as “True Islam”.
The Saudis are generous by nature, love others and love all people without discrimination, travel and learn about different cultures.
The House of Saud invests heavily in scholarships abroad and hundreds of thousands of young Saudis have the opportunity to study in the USA, EU and other countries.
The special loyalty of the Saudis to their royal house should also be emphasized, because they are convinced that the royal house protects their interests and does everything possible to serve their people and the inhabitants. Saudis are far from happy, that they are discriminated by the media and that they are not presented to the international public as they really are.
They are convinced that they convey good moral values and that their king and crown prince try everything to serve humanity and especially of the Saudis.
Saudi Arabia is one of the countries that donate the most to crisis-ridden countries worldwide and has been recognized by the World Bank as the top reformer in the world.
Saudi Arabia used to consist of small emirates until King Abdal-Aziz ibn Saud united them all. He later asked his sons to protect this unity. The Saudis consider themselves part of the royal family and their love for the royal family is unconditional.
The grandparents of the young Saudis were poor Bedouins, with little education possibilities. Within 86 years, the House of Saud managed to completely eradicate illiteracy and developed Saudi Arabia into a modern, rich state with a high standard in the health and education system.
That’s the reason Saudis are infinitely grateful to their royal house and would like to present their culture and achievements, of which they are very proud, to the world.
No other nation has occupied the Arabian Peninsula since the Prophet Muhammad’s message, even though the Ottomans had tried several times in brutal wars of aggression and the Iranian Houthis and Iran itself have also been a threat to Saudi Arabia and its neighboring country Yemen, for some years.
For this reason, Saudi Arabia invests a lot of money in the purchase of weapons and defense to protect its country and its people.
It’s Saudi Arabia’s strength to maintain its own identity and culture and stands united behind its royal family, which is the reason why they are reluctant to democracy because they know that it would destroy their unity and strength, which King Abdul Aziz, struggled and envisioned to achieve for them.
Anna Sacher is an Austria-based Independent Political Analyst and Commentator. She often writes for Millichronicle. She tweets under @RealthingUlli.