Delhi Government Schools hit 80% pass percentage for Grade-11 under Kejriwal Administration
New Delhi – The pass percentage of Delhi Government schools for grade 11 has hit 80% under Kejriwal administration for the first time since 2010, according to statistics released by the Directorate of Education (DoE) on March 30 2019.
The pass percentage for grade 11 students during 2017-18 was 71%, which has improved to 80% during 2018-19. From 2015-16 onwards, the pass percentage has been over 72% as opposed to 63% during 2014-15. However, during 2018-19 it hit 80% for the first time since 2010 as statistics are taken into account from 2010 onwards.
However, pass percentage for the grade nine has remained same as previous year with slightest improvement. It was 57.4% during 2017-18, while it’s 57.8% during 2018-19.
“There has been a slow but consistent improvement in the pass percentage over the last four years in this class due to programmes and initiatives like Chunauti and Mission Buniyaad which is strengthening the foundational learning skills of students by the time they reach Class 9,” a Delhi government official said.
In 2015-16, the pass percentage for grade nine was 50.8% which improved to 52.3% the next year followed by 57.4% in 2017-18.
“It is important to note that the improvement recorded last year and maintained this year has been despite the change in the weightage for external and internal component. While before 2017-18, the weightage for external was of 60%, it was increased to 80% as per CBSE norms,” the official added.