
Nigerian Pastor embraces Islam after seeing Muslims in dreams, converts Church into Mosque

Nigeria – A Christian pastor who founded Apata Adura Cherubim Church in Ekiti state of Nigeria adopted Islam, and turned his Church into a Mosque, after continuously getting dreams of people washing their hands and feet similar to Muslim ‘Wudu’ – ablution.

45-year-old former Pastor Adekunle Afolabi, now known as Alfa Abubakar Afolabi, practiced Christianity for over 25 years, until he recognized Islam as “the only religion that leads to heaven”.

“I was preparing for the anniversary when I started having dreams that eventually led to my conversion,” the former pastor said.

“At first in the dreams, I noticed my members were sitting on the floor in the church and some of them were covering their heads. I also saw that people were washing their hands and feet before entering the church just like it is done in Islam,” he added.

When he initially accepted Islam, around 150 of his Church-goers left him, but some of his family members and friends honored his decision.

“The only person who at the time opposed it was my wife, be¬cause she was a Christian when I married her,” he recollects.

After days of struggle, he transformed the Church he founded into a clean Mosque where Muslims have started to come in for the five daily prayers.