Tag: bahrain


Bahrain parliament says envoy to Israel returned home, Israel says ties stable

Manama (Reuters) - Bahrain's parliament said on Thursday that...

Miss Universes from Bahrain and Pakistan Promote Halal Travel in the Philippines

Miss Universes representing Bahrain and Pakistan have joined a...

Fourth Bahraini serviceman dies after Houthi drone attack close to Saudi border

Cairo (Reuters) - A fourth Bahraini serviceman died on...

Bahrain says two soldiers killed in Houthi drone attack

Riyadh (Reuters) - Two Bahraini servicemen were killed and...

Khomeini’s 50-Years Plan to convert Middle-east into the Lost Persian Empire

If we can shake the government by inciting conflict between rulers and scholars and disperse capital in these countries and attract capital from their...

HISTORY: The Unholy Ottoman—British Alliance, Surrender of Jerusalem, and the Arab Demonization

The Ottomans had gone financially bankrupt in 1875, and in response, Britain took control of Cyprus and seized Egypt in 1882. Ottomans surrendered Jerusalem in 1917.

Miss Universes from Bahrain and Pakistan Promote Halal Travel in the Philippines

Miss Universes representing Bahrain and Pakistan have joined a...

Fourth Bahraini serviceman dies after Houthi drone attack close to Saudi border

Cairo (Reuters) - A fourth Bahraini serviceman died on...

Bahrain says two soldiers killed in Houthi drone attack

Riyadh (Reuters) - Two Bahraini servicemen were killed and...

Saudi Arabia Condemns Attack on Bahraini Soldiers near Yemen Border

Riyadh - Saudi Arabia's Foreign Ministry has strongly condemned...