OPINION: Trump and Nobel Prize—Make Deals Not War
by Amir Taheri Trump is the only US president since World War II not to have led his nation into
Read Moreby Amir Taheri Trump is the only US president since World War II not to have led his nation into
Read Moreby Khaled Almraeed Every Saudi citizen feels that he is in safe hands and everything that the state does is
Read Moreby Rabbi Marc Schneier Indeed, the Jews of the Gulf have a unique role: To be ambassadors from our people
Read Moreby Shoeb Ahmed Siddiqui Help the sufferer, not the propagandist. The horrendous campaign against the Indian Muslims, particularly the members
Read Moreby Farjad Ahmed Now to hide failures and being outsmarted by Modi it was important to create a distraction… Pakistan’s
Read Moreby Turki Al-Owerde Natural science depends on the changeable paradigm A question that has always bothered Muslims who have not
Read Moreby Jameel Al Theyabi You can imagine the volume of blatant hypocrisy, marketed by Turkish President Erdogan, which was taken
Read Moreby Abul Faatih Mohammad Arshad Ahamed The partition of India was like a soul parted from its body, fragrance from
Read Moreby Khaled Almraeed The traitors are the main reason for the collapse of the nations, and they are more dangerous
Read MoreDr. Wafa Abdullah Al-Rasheed Will Erdogan be satisfied if the Jews turn the Dome of the Rock mosque into a
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