
FAITH: The greatness of the Qur’an and its rights

By Ustaad Bilal Bin Abdullah Salafi This book will advocate its reader... The literal meaning of the Qur'an is "reading". The most widely read book...

Conflicts and Battles: The turbulent history of the Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptian Salafists

by Khaled Hamoud Alshareef The Muslim Brotherhood encourages the Jihadist policy in their practices. The historical relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists began with...

HISTORY: The oppression by Ottomans in Arabian Peninsula and the return of pure Islam

by Khaled Hamoud Alshareef The Ottoman's quickly learned how foolish they were to underestimate the power of the calling... The Historical Roots The grass roots movement of...

TECH: Why Cybersecurity is important for all Journalists?

by Augustina Baker They have a target on their backs—a target that could put their lives in danger... Being a journalist has always carried a certain...

‘Umeedd a Better Tomorrow’ – an NGO with a difference

by Shanku Sharma Umeedd has been doing a stupendous work. The way its members are working towards making people aware about CSA, is commendable and...
