
How Hollywood villified Arabs and Muslims to create Islamophobia

by Jack Shaheen Muslims are arguably the most vilified group of people in the history of Hollywood. This article will reveal how Muslims are portrayed...

Packaged Fruits and Vegetables: Safer to buy?

By Jill Waldbieser There’s this weird thing happening in supermarkets where the checkouts are eliminating plastic bags, but their produce sections are overflowing with disposable...

What happens to your brain if you complain everyday?

by Aye Duran A day will come that you won’t be able to look and focus on the bright side anymore because your brain has...

Fake Insta-fame weddings and the trend of forced hash-tags

By Abhinav Verma “I was made to come up with a fake Bollywood-style story of how the married couple met, and also gave a speech...

Sperm Count less than 50% among those whose fathers smoked, study claims

The findings of the study showed that, independently of nicotine exposure from the mother, socioeconomic factors, and their own smoking, men with fathers who...
