Tag: pakistan


Pakistan media ban on Imran Khan trial raises transparency concerns

Islamabad (Reuters) - A Pakistan court has banned media...

How India Shaped a New Kashmir By Abolishing Article-370

Kashmir rejected terrorism and embraced tourism, which technically means...

Pakistan asks Kabul to probe links to attack that killed 23 soldiers

Islamabad (Reuters) -Pakistan has protested to Afghanistan's Taliban government...

Pakistan top court provisionally allows military trials of Imran Khan backers

Islamabad (Reuters) - Pakistan's Supreme Court on Wednesday provisionally...

Imran Khan’s party elects new chairman ahead of Pakistan’s election

Karachi (Reuters) - One of ousted Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan's lawyers was elected on Saturday as chairman of his party, allowing it to...

Pakistan’s top court begins hearing challenge to expulsion of Afghans

Islamabad (Reuters) - Pakistan's Supreme Court began hearings on Friday on a petition by rights activists seeking to halt deportation of Afghan refugees, a...

Pakistan’s jailed Imran Khan names temporary successor for party election

Islamabad (Reuters) - Jailed former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan's party said on Wednesday that he had named one of his lawyers as...

Pakistan court overturns ex-PM Nawaz Sharif’s graft conviction – lawyer

Islamabad (Reuters) - A Pakistan court overturned the conviction of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a corruption case on Wednesday, his lawyer said,...

Pakistani father, three relatives held for ‘honour killing’ – police

Peshawar (Reuters) - Pakistani police have arrested four people, including a man who killed his teenage daughter on instructions from family elders because she...

How India Shaped a New Kashmir By Abolishing Article-370

Kashmir rejected terrorism and embraced tourism, which technically means...

Pakistan court indictment hits ex-PM Imran Khan’s election ambitions

Islamabad (Reuters) - Jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan...

Pakistan top court provisionally allows military trials of Imran Khan backers

Islamabad (Reuters) - Pakistan's Supreme Court on Wednesday provisionally...

Pakistan asks Kabul to probe links to attack that killed 23 soldiers

Islamabad (Reuters) -Pakistan has protested to Afghanistan's Taliban government...