
HEALTH: 30 Everyday Activities That Can Cause Cancer

by Trista Everyone knows that some activities and habits can increase your risk of cancer, like smoking, drinking, or overeating. However, there are many things...

FAITH: How do Jinn possess Children?

Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymeen was asked, what are the conditions in which a Jinn can possess a child, so he explained in the following way. Some...

FAITH: Virtues of the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah

Days of virtue and righteous deeds Praise be to Allaah Who has created Time and has made some times better than others, some months and...

How to choose the right School for your Kid?

by Vineeta Ambasta  A school is meant to nurture the child’s capabilities and bring out the best performance and the best behaviour. This is by...

The Magpies and the Cuckoos: A Disinformation Fable

by Jessica Malikos Smith Our story begins, however, not in the village, but in the surrounding woods and lake. There, in a grove of pine...
