Letter of slain Hezbollah-critic Lokman Slim shows he received constant threats
Beirut – A letter of the slain Hezbollah-critic Lokman Slim which he wrote in December 2019 shows that he constantly received threats and violent opposition from the Iran-backed militant organization.
Slim wrote in Arabic, “For the second time in 48 hours the bats pursue from darkness to darkness to terrorize me and intimidate me by violating the sanctity of my family’s home in Huriek street. This home is also Ummam Research Center and Aljadeed Publishing House”.
“The first instance took place on 11 December where a crowd gathered in the front garden of my house, and started calling me a traitor and called on me names. The second instance was on December 13th, where stickers calling me a traitor and threatening my life were posted all over the house”, Slim continued.
Slim held Lebanese authorities responsible if anything would happen him or his family.

“I through this statement hold the Lebanese authority responsible for the threats to my life, and to my wife’s life, and threats of physical violence and harm”, Slim concluded.
Slim was a prominent Lebanese Shiite critic of Iran-backed Hezbollah and a publisher who ran a research centre. He was found dead in a car in southern Lebanon on Thursday, after he was shot with a bullet to the head.
Saudi-based researcher Khaled Hamoud Alshareef tweeted that the slain activist would have received attention of media and the political elite for his murder, if he was a Saudi or Egyptian.