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A Trump Defeat: ‘Will be a sad day for the Muslim world’

By Mukhtar Mastar

Since Trump took over at the Oval Office in 2017, he has never once taken the US to war.

I assure you that many from the Muslim community will not be shedding many tears at the prospect of a defeat for Donald Trump as the President of the United States. In fact, many will be quite ecstatic that Biden has defeated Trump. However, let me tell you – it will be a sad day for the Muslim community worldwide because we quite honestly do not know the truth.

There is a saying that goes — Judge the character of a man by his actions and not by his words.

Trump certainly talked the talk, but did he honestly walk the walk?

The Analysis

George Bush took the US to war in Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003), NW Pakistan (2004), Somalia (2007) and Kenya (2007).

The man of ‘change’, Barack Obama, changed nothing and took the US to war in the Indian Ocean against Somali Pirates (2009), Libya (2011), Uganda (2011), Iraq and Syria (2014), Yemen (2015) and Libya again in 2015 to fight ISIS.

Since Trump took over at the Oval Office in 2017, he has never once taken the US to war.

I repeat – he never once took the US to war.

In fact, let’s be honest, especially if we want to talk facts – most US wars since 2001 have been fought in Muslim lands at the expense of millions of Muslim lives. This only substantially changed when Trump took office. In fact, the truth is even better – Trump withdrew forces from Syria, and Iraq, and moreover he negotiated a peace treaty with the Taliban after years of war in Afghanistan.

Trump has been better in his dealings with the Uighur Muslim issue with China, than even most so-called Muslim leaders. Not content with condemning China’s Uighur concentration camps, he even imposed sanctions on Chinese companies and officials for their human rights abuses against Uighur Muslims.

Trump also termed Burma’s genocide and expulsion of the Rohingya Muslims as ‘ethnic cleansing’ and imposed sanctions on some of the alleged perpetrators.

In 2016, the US under Obama, supported a coup and attempted murder of the world’s best Muslim leader, President Erdogan of Turkey.

Videos have emerged which show Biden’s willingness to support the ‘opposition leadership’ in the removal of Erdogan, when he become the next president.

Even the issue of ‘Islamist’ Terrorism has improved under Trump. During Barack Obama’s presidency, no fewer than 11 ‘so called’ terror attacks took place. All were full-on, mainstream media hyped, ‘Islamist’ inspired terror. However, these types of terror attacks virtually disappeared during Trump’s presidency.

The counter argument

Trump was certainly no angel and he had his faults. The fundamental chink in his armour, from Muslims’ point of view, has always been his unwavering support for Israel. However, the reality is as clear as night and day, which is that, no US President would be an unbiased arbiter in dealing with the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Hence, in reality, this can be discounted in the overall balance of arguments.

The ‘Muslim ban’, the ‘Wall’, the tweets and various other nonsense were no more than bravado from an eccentric, full on, showman that Trump clearly is.

The Reason

Trump is the maverick, loose cannon which the mainstream media, the American Establishment and the banking cartels never wanted. They wanted their usual puppets like Clinton, Obama, Bush and now Biden, to further their own interests.

Trump did what he wanted, when he wanted and how he wanted. He was never going to dance to their bloodthirsty, Islam-bashing and world dominating tune. Hence, they vilified him in the mainstream media, changed election rules just prior to the election and put their full weight behind Biden to remove him at any cost.

The Analysis

As Muslims, there is nothing more sacred than the life of a Muslim. Hence, if the only measure of a US President was the loss of Muslim lives and the blood spilt during their presidency, then Trump wins hands down without even a recount.

The numbers of Muslim lives that have been lost during the Bush, Clinton and Obama presidency goes into the millions. The US have rampaged through Muslim lands during those few short years. However, that came to a very abrupt end when Trump became President.

I can honestly say, that I would be truly devastated if Trump loses – as it now seems inevitable. Only Trump could have done what he has done and it will be a sad day for the Muslims of the world.

The Conclusion

Let’s judge Trump by his actions and not by his words or even his tweets. Because if you do, then there is honestly only one conclusion which you can come to. That is, President Trump was good for Muslims the world over.

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