US State Department Documents (P1) Saudi Arabia
by Turki Al-Owerde
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is stable, prosperous and fully developed without adopting western liberal approach such as democracy,
The US State Department released documents related to US foreign policy, including many related to the Middle East and North Africa.
Hillary Clinton’s e-mails for the era of Democrats headed by Barack Obama, reveal the confusion, the loss of an effective strategy, and the disastrous dimension caused by the Democrats’ policies through the project of (Creative Chaos) that caused destruction of large areas in the Middle East and North Africa.
Here, we publish some of the messages that were leaked regarding that dangerous period that witnessed the overthrow and destruction of some countries, as well as the emergence of terrorist organizations, which received wide political and economic support from the democratic administration, such as ISIS and the militias affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, in addition to the expansion Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah.
The Successful Saudi Model
The most striking was that includes the full realization that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is stable, prosperous and fully developed without adopting western liberal approach such as democracy, and it seems certainly that this is what infuriates the elite of the ideology of the liberal left trend.
Addressed to Clinton from the former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Charles Freeman (1989-1992), a letter to Hillary in 2001, explains the difficulty of obtaining satisfactory results in Saudi Arabia by adopting the tactics of change and influence used in the so-called Arab Spring (Creative Chaos).
Clear Understanding
Ambassador expresses: … the only society in this world that has not been penetrated by Western colonialism. No European armies have penetrated its borders, neither missionaries nor merchants. Its capital, Riyadh, was out of reach of the infidels. The holy cities of Makkah and Medinah remain so today.

The Saudis have been Prepared
When the Westerners finally came to Saudi Arabia, they did not come as defenders of supposed Western cultural supremacy, but as a hired aid.
He explains that the Kingdom has stood far from global standards (Western liberal approach), as its system of government is based on tribal and Islamic traditions rather than Western models.
Adding: The king heads the royal family and Saudi society, but he does not rule them (The Saudi King rules through mutual understanding with the Saudis). The king’s responsibility is not so much to make decisions as it is to form and declare consensus, while ensuring a share of the national wealth for all, especially the less fortunate.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not impose taxes on its citizens, except for the religious tithes known as “zakat” – an annual donation of private capital of two and a half percent for charitable and other public purposes.
The Saudi Approach is Competitive
As as we can understand, Freeman to Clinton in this document, highlights his awareness of the high viability of the Saudi monarchy, which is based on Islamic laws, where all Saudis enjoy free education, free medical care from birth to death, and they can also pursue these services at home or abroad as they like.
The former American ambassador explains the merit of the advanced alternative represented by the nature of the Saudi system in competing with the ruling systems of different ideologies globally, especially democracy, saying:The Kingdom does not have a parliament, although it has informal mechanisms to consult with its citizens on political issues. He affirmed that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has definitely upended a basic principle of American political philosophy. “No representation without taxes.”
The Entrenchment of Saudi Society
He continues: Despite the rapid development, the strong family structure that characterized the traditional Saudi society has remained largely the same. It’s really moving to see how children and grandchildren care for the elderly in the Kingdom. This is reflected in the fact that almost none of its citizens have emigrated, although many of them have second homes abroad, and some, such as Osama bin Laden, have been exiled, due to deviant behavior. For a long time, it was easier for journalists and academics to obtain a Tibetan visa than Saudi Arabia.

Development and Donation
Charles Freeman establishes the effective value of the Saudi monarchy, saying: Unlike some countries … Saudi Arabia has invested its oil wealth at home, not abroad, even though it has long been generous in foreign aid. (At one point it was donating 6% of the GDP to others, mostly Muslim countries)
He adds that extreme poverty in the pre-oil period is now, at most, a grim memory. Over the life of elderly Saudis, per capita income in the kingdom has increased by nearly 100%, and mud-walled villages of sparsely populated population have grown into mega-cities adapted to the architecture of the 21 century.
Effective Education System
Freeman draws attention to a fundamental point of this paradox: Saudis today are not only educated, but many of them have university degrees. There are more US PhD.’s in the Saudi Cabinet than there are in the Cabinet and Congress combined in the United States.

Article first published on The Herald Report.
Turkey Al-Owerde is Editor-in-Chief and Political Analyst of the Herald Report. His knowledge of the religious undertones of most Muslim Terrorist Organizations makes his many “conflict analysis” a valuable source of information for many security experts from around the world. He tweets under @Turki_AlOwerde.