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Pakistan fires Information Minister for anti-Hindu remarks, says no tolerance for “non-sense”

Lahore – Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan ordered on Tuesday immediate removal of their Information Minister for making anti-Hindu remarks by calling Hindus “cow urine drinkers”.

Fayyazul Hassan Chohan who heads Information Ministry of Pakistan’s Punjab Province came under serious criticism from their senior members of his party for the derogatory comments.

“PTI Punjab government has removed Fayyaz Chohan from the post of Punjab information minister following derogatory remarks about the Hindu community,” official Twitter account of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf tweeted.

It further said: “Bashing someone’s faith should not be a part of any narrative. Tolerance is the first & foremost pillar on which #Pakistan was built.”

However, Chohan publicly apologized for his remarks claiming that his intention was Modi and the Indian Media rather Hindus in general.

Despite his apologies, PM Khan took the matter serious and ordered his removal.

“I was addressing Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Indian armed forces and their media not the Hindu community in Pakistan,” he said. “I apologise if my remarks hurt the Hindu community in Pakistan,” Chohan said. “My remarks were in no way directed at Pakistan’s Hindu community.”

Special assistant to PM on Political affairs Naeemul-Haque said, “The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government will not tolerate this nonsense. Remember the flag of Pakistan is not just green. It’s incomplete without the white which represents the minorities.”

Foreign Office spokesperson Mohammad Faisal also took to Twitter and said, “Pakistan proudly owns the white in the flag as much as the green, values contributions of the Hindu community and honours them as our own.”