Tsunami crushes music concert in Indonesia, while people scream ‘Jesus’ for help
Jakarta – Tsunami waves crushed the performers of a beach side music concert in Indonesia on Saturday night, while people were calling Jesus for help.
Around 200 employees and their families of state electricity department Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) gathered at Tajung Lesung beach for year-end celebrations, where the rockstars of rock-band Seventeen were performing, when the Tsunami hit them unexpectedly.
The devastating tsunami has claimed over 168 lives, while hundreds have been injured, and the death rates keep rising.
Among the dead are four members of the band – bassist M Awal Purbani, guitarist Herman Sikumbang, road manager Oki Wijaya, and crewmember Ujang, while the band’s drummer is still missing.
Zack, a crewmember of the band said in his Instagram post, “Underwater I could only pray – Jesus Christ help.”
“In the final seconds I almost ran out of breath,” he added. Eventually, he survived by clinging to part of the collapsed stage.
Yulia Dian, manager of the band told Reuters, “the survivors are treated at local hospitals and clinics, but they cannot return to Jakarta due to road blockade.”
“They’d been sharing stories they were having fun at the beach and we didn’t expect this,” he added.
The cause of the tsunami is attributed to the underwater landslide after the eruption of the Anak Krakatau volcano.